Hungarian Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics

The role of research infrastructures is prominent in both exploratory and applied research. Strengthening their development and visibility is important from both a scientific and a national economic point of view. They also contribute to increasing Hungary’s economic performance. Strengthening their development and visibility is important from both a scientific and a national economic point of view.
As part of the research infrastructure route planning process, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI) identified Hungary’s ’TOP 50’ excellent research infrastructure through a questionnaire survey. They provide services that enable high-level research and outstanding technological developments either on their own or in a networked form.
The Hungarian Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics of the János Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs received the title of Excellent Research Infrastructure acknowledging its work and instrument park. The award was presented by László Palkovics, Minister of Innovation and Technology, on December 16, 2021 at the Szentágothai Research Center.
Winners receive an official certificate authorizing them to use the title. In addition, they are included in a searchable database on the NRDI website, as well as in a representative publication on the most important Hungarian research infrastructures. This helps in gaining visibility and in networking to form international research collaborations.